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Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Panduan Memberi Nama Anak dalam Islam

Disunatkan memberi nama kepada bayi pada hari ketujuh kelahirannya sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam sabda Nabi s.a.w.;[1]

كُلُّ غُلاَمٍ رَهِينٌ بِعَقِيقَةٍ تُذْبَحُ عَنْهُ يَوْمَ سَابِعِهِ، وَيُحْلَقُ وَيُسَمَّى

“Setiap anak kecil (bayi) dipertaruhkan dengan suatu aqiqah; disembelih untuknya pada hari ke tujuh, dicukur kepalanya dan diberi nama”. 

(Riwayat Imam Abu Daud, Tirmizi, an-Nasai dan Ibnu Majah dari Hasan r.a. dari Samurah bin Jundub r.a.)[2]

Muslim Baby Names

The Muslim babys name should be meaningful. Hence the name of a Muslim is of such a nature that by the mere mention of it, the listener understands that the person so addressed, is a Muslim. It is for this reason that our elders laid great emphasis on keeping good and pleasant babys name.

It is indeed a joyous occasion when parents are blessed with a baby. However, the extent of the joy could be enhanced even further if the laws of Shariat are followed. When choosing a Muslim baby name for the child, it should be done with the intention that the baby will be blessed with the barakah of that name.

Baby Girl Names ~ A - K


A'idah Guest, the one who's returning
A'ishah Wife of the Prophet (SAW).
A'shadieeyah Princess, cute, perfect.
Aa'idah Name of a narrator of hadith
Aabidah Worshipper.
Aabirah Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral.
Aabish Daughter of Sa'd who was a queen of Iran (AN).
Aadab Hope, need.
Aadila Just, Honest, Equal, Upright.
Aaeedah Female Visiting, Returning, Reward.
Aaeesha Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Aafia Good health.
Aafreeda Created, Produced.
Aafreen Brave, Acclaim.
Aairah Noble, respectful.
Aakifah Devoted, Dedicated.
Aala Bounties.
Aaleyah Exalted, Highest social standing.
Aalia Exhalted, Noble.
Aalimah Scholar, Authority.
Aaliyah Tall, Towering.
Aamaal Hopes, Aspirations, Wishes.
Aamanee Good wish
Aamilah Doer of (good) deeds, Righteous
Aaminah Secured, Safe.
Aamira Imperial, Abundant, Inhabited.
Aani Fatimah Khatoon Female She was a literary woman and a poetess in Qastaniniyah.
Aanisah Young lady, Maiden
Aaqilah Intelligent.
Aara Adoring
Aarifah Knowing, Women who recognises Islam.
Aasia Hope.
Aasimah Protector, defendant, central.
Aatifa Affection, Sympathy
Aatikah Generous.
Aatiqah Shoulder (support) old.
Aatirah Fragrant
Aazeen Beauty.
Abasah Daughter of al-Mahdi.
Abda Worshipper
Abdia Slave of Allah
Abdul Basit Slave of the enlarger
Abeedah Worshipper.
Abeela To be beautiful.
Abeer Fragrance.
Abeera The mixture of the smell of the petals of Rose and Sundal.
Abeerah Rose, Sandal Saffron mixed together in fragrance.
Abia Great.
Abida Worshipper
Abir Serious, beautiful
Ablaa Perfectly formed
Ablah Perfectly formed.
Abqurah Genius
Abra Example, Lesson
Ad'ifaah Smart, talented
Ada Grace, Expression
Adab Hope, Need
Adeeba Cultured, Polite
Adeela Female Equal
Adeelah Female Just
Adeena Female Pious, good luck
Adeeva Female Pleasant, Gentle
Adila Female Justice.
Adla Female Just, fair woman.
Afaf Chaste, virtuous, decent, pure.
Afeefa Chaste
Afeerah Covered with soil or dust.
Afia Away from all Problems.
Afifa F Neat lady.
Afifah Chaste, modest.
Afiyah 'Health', free from illness and grief.
Afizah A person who knows the recital of the qur'an.
Afra Dust-coloured.
Afraa White.
Afrah Happiness.
Afreen Friendly.
Afroza Light from fire.
Afroze Enlightening.
Afsa Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) wife.
Afsana Story.
Afshan Adornment aids.
Afsheen Shine like a star
Ahd Pledge, knowledge.
Ahdia Unique, The One.
Ahlam Dreams. Add
Aida Visiting, returning.
Aidah Visiting, Returning, Reward, Present
Aighar She was a religious, righteous woman.
Aila Noble.
Aimal Hope.
Aimen Most Congratulated.
Ain Eye, Thus "Precious"
Ain alsaba Treasure of the eye.
Aini Spring, Flower, Source, Choice
Aisha Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Aiya Miracle, verses in the Qur'an
Aiyla Moonlight
Aiza Noble.
Aizah The daughter of Hazrat Ali (A.S).
Ajeebah narrator of hadith.
Ajlal Beautiful, stubborn, young princess.
Ajradah Al-Ameeh, was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night sometimes right up to dawn (A.N
Ajwa Name of a date in Saudia Arabia. Tree planted by Holy Prohpet (PBUH).
Akia Sister.
Akifah Intent, busy.
Akilah Intelligent one who reasons.
Akleema Beautiful. One of the daughters of Adam (A.S).
Al Batra'a A historical area in jordan.
Al-Adur al-Karimah A pious, righteous and intelligent woman of Egypt. She respected the Ulama and built religious schools (Madrasah) and mosques, She died in 762.
Alaia Virtuous.
Alayna Princess (Iranian) Upon (Arabic) Light (From the Greek word Helena)
Aleemah Knowing, Knowledgeable
Aleena Silk of heaven
Aleesa Joy
Aleeza Joy
Alesha Protected by god
Alia Beautiful
Aliah Exalted, noble, highest social standing
Alika Love
Alima Wise
Alina Beautiful
Alishaba Beautiful sunshine
Alishba Pretty.
Aliyah Exalted, noble
Aliza The Daughter of Ali (RA
Alleyah Leader
Alma Apple
Almas Diamond
Alraaz Mystery
Alvina Female Highest, Height
Alzubra A star in the constellation Leo
Amah Slave Daughter of Khalid bin Saeed, a female companion, daughter of companion, had this name. She was born in Habshah, and was married to Az-Zubayr bin Al-Awwam
Amal Hope, aspiration.
Amala Hopes, Aspirations
Amalia Aspirations.
Aman Female Peace.
Amana Faithful, to believe.
Amani Wishes, aspirations.
Amany A Wish
Amara Eternal beauty, urgent news
Amatullah Slave of Allah
Amaya Night Rain
Ambar Ambergris
Ambareen Good smell
Amber Responsible.
Ambereen Fragarance, amber, sky
Ambreen Sky
Ameenah Trustworthy
Ameera Noble lady, princess.
Ameerah Princess.
Amelia Trustworthy, beautiful
Amena Trustworthy, faithful, peaceful, honest
Amilah Hopeful
Amina Honest
Aminah Trustworthy, faithful.
Amira Princess
Amirah Royal lady, Princess.
Ammara Shining star
Ammarah An inhabitant
Amna Peace
Amra Princess
Amrah Headgear
Amreen Sky
Amtullah Female servant of Allah
Ana Prestige, self respect
Anah Patience, perseverence.
Anam Present
Anan Clouds
Anaum The blessing of Allah
Anbar Perfume, ambergris.
Andaleeb Nightingale.
Andalib Nightingale.
Andlib A bird, one who is always happy
Aneeqa Beautiful
Aneesa Close, intimate, friendly
Aneesah Generous, loyal
Aneezah She-Goat
Angbin Honey
Anida Female Obstinate
Anika Female Very unique
Anila Female Beautiful.
Anisa Female Friendly
Anisah Female Close, intimate, friendly
Anisha Deep thinker, sensitive, high.
Anja Beauty.
Anjum Stars.
Annam God's Blessing.
Anniyah FConcern, loving.
Anousha Sweet, joy, fortunate.
Anum Blessing of god, gods gift.
Anwara Ray of Light.
Aqeela Intelligent.
Aqeelah Wise, Sensible.
Aqsa Female Name of a mosque.
Ara Female Opinions
Areebah Witty, Smart.
Areej The fragrance of a flower from an orange tree.
Aresha Under an umbrella.
Arfa Greatness
Ariana Female Full of life.
Aribah Wise.
Arij Sweet Smell
Arisha Female Highness
Arissa Bright. Add
Arjumand Noble, Honourable.
Aroob Loving to her husband
Aroosa Bride.
Aroush Angel of paradise.
Arsala Lioness.
Arub Loving (to husband).
Arva Fertile, bountiful.
Arwa Mountain gazelle.
Arya Noble.
Aryisha Under tree/umberalla.
Arzo Hope.
Arzoo Hope.
Arzu Wish, hope, love.
Asalah Female Purity.
Asbah Pure (as water).
Asfa Protector, guardian.
Asfia Female Great.
Ashalina Sweet, always living, shy, loving.
Ashbah Pearl.
Asheeyana House, nest.
Ashika Love.
Asifa Organiser.
Asili Original.
Asima Protector.
Asiya The Muslim wife of Pharaoh.
Asiyah She was the wife of the Farao in Moesa's time. She turned muslima and died a shahieda because she refused to obey her husband and say that he (farao) was her God.
Asli Pure, original.
Asma Loftier, more eminent.
Asmara Beautiful butterfly.
Asmat Pure, Clean.
Asna The one to be acknowledged or praised.
Asra River of Paradise.
Ateefa Affection, Sympathy.
Ateeqah Old Ancient.
Ateeyah A gift. Add
Athilah Deep-rooted, firmly established.
Athmah A narrator of Hadith.
Atia Gift.
Atifa Affectionate, sympathetic.
Atika Flower, good smell.
Atiqah Female Beautiful, charitable, loving.
Atiya Female Gift Add
Awa Beautiful angel, night.
Awatif Emotions. Add
Aya Phrase from the holy Quran.
Ayaana Lucky, good day, day of judgement.
Ayaat Many signs & proofs, verses in the Quran.
Ayah A verse from Quran or a sign from God.
Ayan Luck. Add
Ayana Lucky, good day, day of judgement.
Ayat Verses (pl. of Aya), signs, lessons, proofs.
Ayesha Well of.
Aymen Sacred, Brave, Old name of Arabia.
Ayra Respectable.
Aysha The name of wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Ayshah Wife of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).
Az-zahra Excellent and smart.
Azadeh Princess.
Azeemah Great.
Azeeza Esteemed, precious, cherished.
Azhaar Flowers.
Aziman Sky, heaven.
Aziz Friendship.
Azizah Esteemed, precious, cherished.
Azka Pious.
Azma Blessing of Allah.
Azra Maiden, Pious, Woman.
Azraa Unpierced pearl.
Azzah Young, female gazelle.

Badia Unprecedented, Admirable, Unique
Badiyah Desert.
Badra Full moon
Badriyah Resembling the full moon.
Baha Value, Worth.
Bahar Spring, Prime (of life), Bloom (of youth).
Bahij Splendid.
Bahira Dazzling, brilliant.
Bahiya Beautiful, Radiant
Bahiyyah Radiant, beautiful.
Bahriyah al-Aabidah She was a devoted worshipper and ascetic of Basrah. She used to say, "If the heart gives up the passions (evil desires), it will then demosticate knowledge." (A.N).
Bakht Lot, Fate, Portion.
Bakhtawar Fortunate, Lucky.
Balqees She was the daughter of Ahmad bin Mishqar, and a distinguished woman of her times; she was the wife of Sayfud-din al- Hanafi. (A.N).
Balqis Name of the queen of Shiba
Banafsha Daughter of Abdullah al-Rumiyah; was a very pious and generous woman who gave much in charity (A.N).
Banan Delicate, finger tips.
Banujah The daughter of al-Mahdi
Barakah Blessing; The nursemaid of the Prophet (S.A.W), she had this name the kuniyah, Umm Ayman (R.A) she was the mother of Usamah bin Zayd and she died in the era of Sayyidina Uthman (R.A).
Bareerah Pious; The female freed slave of Sayyidina Ayshah (R.A) a well-known female companion, she lived upto the times of Khalifah Yazid bin Muawiyah (R.A).
Bariah Excelling
Barika Bloom, Be successful
Barrah She was the wunt of the Prophet (S.A.W), daughter of Abdul Muttalib and mother of Abi Salamah (R.A) also the name of the daughter of Abi Tijarah al-Abdariyah who narrated from the Prophet (S.A.W) (A.N).
Barzah She was a narrator of hadith.
Basaaria Beautiful, Prior
Basbas She was a slave girl of Ibn Nafees; she was beautiful and had a melodeons voice
Baseema Smiling
Basheera Bringer of good tidings, Joy
Bashirah Bringer of good tidings, joy.
Basilah Brave, fearless.
Basimah Female Smiling. Add
Basmah A smile.
Basoos She was the daughter of Munziq at-Tamimah (A.N).
Batinah Hidden, Inner.
Batool A true devotee woman of Allah.
Batrisyia Intelligent.
Bazilah Clever, intelligent.
Beena Seeing, clear sighted.
Beenish Vision, sight; the faculty of seeing.
Benazir Unique.
Benzair Incomparable.
Bilqis Queen of Sheeba.
Binesh Clever.
Binish Clever, Intelligent
Birrah Good Deed.
Bisharah A narrator of Hadith.
Bisma Smile
Buhaysah A narrator of hadith.
Buhayyah The name of a freed female slave.
Bunanah Yazid al-Abshamiyah's daughter.
Buqayrah A narrator of Hadith
Burdah She was al-Suraymiyah, and a very dutiful worshipper. She wept often so she finally lost her eye sight. When every thing was quiet and motionless, she used to call out in a melancholy voice, O! Habib (O loved one!) A.N.
Busayrah She was a female companion (R.A) and also a muhajirah, who migrated to Madinah; she also narrated a Hadith quoting the Prophet; "Apply yourself to glorifying Allah, saying there is not God but He and declaring His Holiness; and count them in your fingures, for (the fingers) will be questioned and asked to speak; and do not be negligent and so be deprived of mercy."
Bushra Glad, tidings, good news.
Busrah She was a companion who lived until the era of Muawiyah.
Buthaynah Of beautiful and tender body.

Daania Beautiful.
Daanya Gift of god, beautiful.
Dafiyah Narrator of Hadith.
Dahab Gold
Dahma She was a scholar of religion and had learnt from her brother al-Imam al-Mahdi; she excelled in grammer and literature and possessed knowledge of other sciences and arts. (A.N.).
Daleela Guide, Proof.
Daliya Dahlia.
Daneen Princess.
Daniya Near, close.
Darakhshaan Shinning.
Darakhshan Shinning.
Daria Learned, knowing.
Dawlat Khatoon She was from a ruling family.
Deeba Obedience.
Deema Rainy Cloud.
Dema The Rainy Cloud.
Dhakiyah Bright, intelligent.
Dilshad Khatoon She lived between 730-750.
Dina Love.
Diqrah A narrator of hadith.
Diyanah Religion.
Doaa Pray, a voice of heart, request to All-mighty Allah, a source of connection with God and Human.
Duaa Prayer.
Duba'ah Daughter of az-Zubayr and a female companion (R.A) she said to the Prophet (S.A.W) that she intended to perform the pilgrimage but was suffering from pain. The Prophet (S.A.W) instructed her to assume the Ihram with the proviso saying, "O Allah, the place where I take off the Ihram will be where You restrain me." She was the wife of al-Miqdad bin al Aswan.
Dujanah Rain.
Dunia The world.
Durdanah Pearl.
Durrah Pearl.

Eiliyah The beautiful one to grow in peace and love with God.
Eimaan Female Faith.
Eiman Female Faith.
Eliza Female Unique, precious.
Elma Female Apple.
Eman Female Faith
Enisa Good friend
Eraj Morning light
Erina Beautiful lady.
Ermina Female Friendly.
Erum Heaven
Esha'al Protected by god.
Eshal The name of flower in the heaven.
Eshmaal Bunch of red roses.
Ezzah A person who gives the honour, respect.

Fadeelah Superiority. Add
Fadila Good looking, attractive
Fadilah Distinguished, learned.
Fadwah Name derived from self-sacrifice
Fadyaa Sacrificing
Faeezah Leader
Faekah Wise.
Faheemah Intelligent.
Fahima Intelligent
Fahmida Intelligent and Wise.
Faiha Good smell from heaven
Faiqa Superior, Outstanding
Fairuzah A precious gem
Faiza Gain.
Faizah Successful.
Fajr The dawn, name of the morning prayer.
Fakeehah Cheerful.
Fakhirah Splendid, Elegant
Fakhra Good, new.
Fakhtah A dove
Fakihah Fruit.
Falak Breeze.
Falaknaz Sky
Falaq Break of dawn.
Famya Good fame.
Faqirah Name of a beautiful woman (wife of Murrah al-Asadi).
Fara Sunset.
Farah Joy.
Faraza Success, height.
Fareedah Unique precious gem.
Fareeha Joyful, Happy.
Fareess Life.
Farha Happiness.
Farhana Happiness.
Farhanah Happy.
Farhat Cheer, Pleasure.
Farheen Jubilant.
Fari'ah Fariah or Furayah was the name of a female companion, daughter of Maalik bin sanan al-Ansari and sister of Abu Saeed al-Khudri. She was called by either name.
Faria Beautiful, kind and loving.
Farida Unique, Matchless.
Faridah Unique, matchless, precious gem.
Fariha Joyous.
Farihah Brisk, Swift.
Fariza Light. Add
Farkhandah Happy, Lucky.
Farqad Name of a star.
Faryal Angel. Add
Faryat Delightful sun-shine.
Farzana Intelligent, wise, learned.
Farzeen Learned.
Faseehah Eloquent.
Faseelah Some distance.
Fatheha Name of the first surah in the Quran.
Fathima Daughter of the Prophet (PBUH).
Fathiya Joy, Happiness, new begining.
Fatihah Opening. Add
Fatim A woman worthy of the ut-most praise
Fatima Prophets (PBUH) daughter.
Fatimah A daughter of the Prophet (S.A.W). Add
Fatin Female Captivating, Alluring, Enchanting Add
Fatinah Female Captivating, alluring, intelligent. Add
Fatma Female My giving. Add
Fauzia Succesful, Victorious.
Fawzia Victorious.
Fawziyah Successful.
Fayruz Turquoise.
Fazluna A flower in the desert.
Fazzilet Blessings of Allah.
Feerozah A precious stone. Daughter of al-Mazfar, She was a scholar, narrator of Hadith and a very righteous woman; she wrote a book of Hadith "Al-Arbaeen Riwayat as-salihat an As-salhiheen.
Feiyaz Successful. Add
Femida Wise. Add
Fikriya Wise.
Fir A sharp weapon.
Firdaus Jannat, Highest garden in paradise.
Firdaws Highest garden in Paradise.
Firdous Garden.
Firdowsa Highest garden of paradise.
Fiza Wind. Add
Forhana Happy, Ecstatic.
Fozia Successful and victorious.
Foziah Successful.
Fudayl Learned, Scholar.
Furayah Handsome, Well-built.
Fusaylah Some distance.
Fuseelah Name of a narrator of hadith.

Haajar Hard as a rock.
Hababah A daughter of Ajlan; She was a narrator of Hadith.
Habiba Beloved, Sweetheart, Darling
Habibah Beloved, sweetheart, darling.
Haboos Name of a kind and benevolent noble lady who lived in Lebanon.
Hadeeqa Gorgeus.
Hadeeqah Garden.
Hadhirah Sweet smelling, smart, leader.
Hadil Is the voice of a dove.
Hadiyah Guide to righteousness.
Hafeezah Keeper of the sacred book.
Hafsa Moon, Beautiful.
Hafsa Female Baby lion, young lioness
Hafsa/Ucha Female The name of wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Hafsah Female A wife of the Prophet (S.A.W).
Hafthah Preserved, Protected
Haifa Slender, Of beautiful body
Haiza Royalty.
Hajar Wife of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S).
Hajjah She was a narrator of Hadith.
Hajna Daughter of Nusayb, she was a poetess.
Hajrah The wife of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S).
Hakimah Female Wise, judicious.
Halah Aureole.
Haleema Gentle, patient.
Haleema Gentle, patient.
Halima Foster mother of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Halimah Gentle, patient, mild-tempered.
Hamamah This was the name of a female slave who suffered much punishment for the sake of Allah but Sayyidina Abu Bakr (R.A) bought her and emancipated her.
Hameeda Praiseworthy Hamidah Female Praising Allah, appreciative.
Hamnah Female She was a narrator of Hadith.
Hamra Female Red.
Hana Bliss, felicity.
Hanan Mercy.
Haneefah True Believer.
Hanfa Name of the wife of Sayyidina Ismail (A.S
Haniah Pleasant, agreeable.
Hanifa Pure Muslim.
Hanin Longing, yearning.
Haniyah Pleasant.
Hannah Affection.
Hannan Mercy.
Hareem Walls of House of Kabba
Haseena Welfare
Hasinah Pretty, beautiful.
Hasna Pretty.
Hawwa Eve.
Hayah Life.
Hayam Deliriously in love
Hayat Life.
Hayfa Slender, of beautiful body.
Hayrah She was a narrator of Hadith.
Hazimah A female companion of the Prophet (S.A.W
Haziqah Clever, intelligent, beautiful.
Hazirah Clean.
Heba Gift.
Heela Hope
Hena Someone who is polite
Henna Blessed
Hessa Destiny
Heyam One of the many levels or degrees of love.
Hiba Gift.
Hibatullah Gift of Allah.
Hibba Gift from Allah.
Hibbah Gift of God.
Hidayah Guidance.
Hidiyah As One.
Hifza Protective angel.
Hijab Daughter of a Scholar from Baghdad
Hijrah The journey the Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) made from Mecca to Madinah.
Hilwana Lovely, beautiful
Hind India.
Hindah Wife of Abu Sufyan
Hira Darkness
Hirah Mount Hirah, named after the mountain where the Holy Qur'an was delivered to Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).
Hoda Wealth.
Hodan Guidance.
Hoor A virgin maiden of Paradise for its dwellers.
Hooria Angel of Heaven.
Hooriya Angel
Hooriyah Name comes from hoor of heaven.
Horia Angel.
Hubayshah She was a poetess.
Hubba Daughter of Maalik bin Amr al-Adwaniyah.
Huda Right guidance.
Hujaymah Attack; This was the name of Huyama al-Awsabiyah al-Danishqiyah; she was a jurist of great rank and a very pious woman; however, another greater woman, wife of Abu Darda, was known as Umm Darda, she had this name and she was a narrator of Hadith.
Hujayrah Female She was a narrator of hadith
Hukaymah Female She was the daughter of Umaymah daughter of Ruqayqah (R.A) a companion; another woman by this name, daughter of Mahmood bin Muhammad was a reciter of the Quran.
Huma An Imaginary bird.
Humaira From the arabic name meaning reddish! Title name of Aisha (R.A) one who strives to achieve her utmost best!
Humaydah She was a narrator of hadith.
Humayrah Red.
Humera The imaginary bird who soars the highest.
Humra Beautiful, Rose.
Hunaydah She was a narrator of hadith.
Hurya Angel
Husn Beauty
Husna Beautiful.
Husniya Beautiful

Ibthaj Joy.
Ibtihal Supplication, prayer.
Ibtisam Smile.
Iffah Purity, modesty.
Iffat Chastity.
Ifra Giving happiness.
Ifza Protective angel
Ijabo Hope.
Ikram Honour, hospitality, generosity.
Ikramiya Honorable, Dignified.
Ilaaf Protection.
Ilham Intuition, inspiration.
Ilhan Respectfull, nice, precious.
Ilm Slave girl belonging to Zubaydah, wife of Harun al-Rashid had this name.
Iman F Faith, belief.
Imani Faith, Belief.
Imthithal Polite obedience
Imtihal Polite, obedience.
In'am Kindness, benefaction, bestowal.
Inaaya Gift of Allah.
Inan A slave girl belonging to Haroon al-Rashid (Fih).
Inas Sociability, geniality.
Inaya Concern, Solicitude.
Inayah Concern.
Inga Powerful.
Insha Creation, origination.
Intessar Victory
Intisar Triumph.
Iqra To recite.
Iraj Flower.
Iram Garden in heaven.
Irem A Garden in Heaven
Irsa Rainbow.
Irum A garden in heaven.
Isbah Light.
Isha Night Prayer.
Ishaal Heaven's flower.
Ishraq The coming up of the sun.
Isir Inspiritional, strong.
Isma Safeguarding.
Ismat Pious.
Isra Walking in the night, Journeys by night.
Istabraq Brocade.
Izdihar Flourishing, blooming.
Izma Higher poistion, Esteemed previledge & honour.
Izz an-Nisa She was a narrator of Hadith.
Izzah (Izzat) Slave girl. The daughter of Umar bin Mumal was named Jariyah. Before he had become a Muslim, she was the slave of Umar (R.A) and he used to trash her very harshly that she might revoke Islam but she did not and finally he himself became a Muslim.

Jabalah Daughter of Musafh; she was a narrator of hadith.
Jabeen Forehead.
Jabrayah Love, respect.
Jahaan Land.
Jahan Land.
Jahan Aara Adornment of the world.
Jahan Khatoon She was a Persian poet.
Jahanara To flower, to live.
Jahdamah She was a female companion of the Prophet (S.A.W).
Jahida Helps the vulnarable.
Jahmyyllah Beautiful one
Jaiyana Strength.
Jalilah Splendid.
Jameela Beautiful.
Jameelah Beautiful.
Jamia Beautiful.
Jamila Beautiful, Graceful, Lovely
Jamilah Beautiful, graceful.
Jammana Pearl.
Jana Products (Fruits) of Paradise - In Surah Al-Rahman.
Janan Heart, Soul.
Jannah Heaven, paradise.
Jaseena Nice Heart
Jasmin Flower.
Jasmina Flower.
Jasrah She was a narrator of Hadith.
Javairea Mysterious.
Jawahir Precious stones, jewels.
Jawharah Jewel, gem.
Jaza Reward, compensation.
Jazeera Island.
Jazira Island.
Jaziya Granting.
Jehaan Creative mind.
Jehan Beautiful Flower.
Jemimah Beautiful.
Jenna Heaven, Paradise.
Jennah Paradise.
Jessenia Flower.
Jian Life.
Jihan Heavenly Place.
Judamah She was the daughter of Wahb; she was a companion and a narrator of Hadith.
Jumaana Silver Pearl
Jumaymah Name of a female companion
Jumaynah Gem, name of a female companion.
Junainah Garden of paradise.
Junnut Heaven.
Juwariyah She was the wife of the Prophet (S.A.W).

Kabirah Elder, Big.
Kadshah She was a companion.
Kaheesha This was the name of a poetess, daughter of al-Waqa.
Kainat Universe.
Kaleemah Speaker.
Kali Bud (of flower).
Kalima Witness.
Kaltham Name of al-Qarshiyah who transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah.
Kamaliyah Perfection.
Kamilah Perfect, complete.
Kaneez Slave
Kanval Flower.
Kanwal Water Lily.
Kanz Treasure.
Kanza Hidden Treasure
Kanzah Treasure.
Karam Female Noble nature.
Kardawiyah Female A pious woman, daughter of Amr al-Basriyah was so named.
Karima Precious, perfect.
Karimah Generous, noble.
Kas Glass. Add
Kashifah Revealer of Secrets.
Kashish Attraction.
Kathirah Plenty.
Kaukab Star. Add
Kausar River in janna (paradise).
Kayan Morning light of the sun
Kaysah She was a narrator of Hadith.
Kehara Precious.
Kehkashan Galaxy.
Khadeeja Prophet's first wife.
Khadija First wife of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).
Khadijah First wife of the Prophet (S.A.W).
Khadra Green, Green of the Jennah. ( Green is a holy color)
Khalidah Abiding, Forever.
Khalilah Good friend.
Khalisah Pure, clear.
Khansa Old Arabic name.
Kharqa Strong, wind.
Khatera Memory.
Khatira Precious memory. Khatoon Lady.
Khawlah One who has beautiful features.
Khayrah Good.
Khayriyah Charitable, good.
Khayriyyah Charitable.
Khazanah Treasure.
Khidrah Green. Add
Khudrah Greenery
Khulaybah This was the name of an Arab poetess.
Khulud Immorality.
Khusbakht Lucky.
Khuwaylah Gazelle
Khuzamah e Lavender
Kiswar Territory.
Koila Charcoal
Komal Beautiful. Komila CompleteKuaybah A distinguished woman of her times was so named; she was the daughter of Sad al-Aslamiyah and she offered allegiance (bayah) to the Prophet (S.A.W) after hijrah; she treated the ill and performed surgery on Saeed bin Muuaz when he was hit in the Battle of Trenches.
Kuhaylah Name of a pious woman who was a good speaker.
Kulthum Daughter of Ahmad bin Ali al-Asiwatiyah was a righteous woman who had memorised the Quran; there were many other women of this name including a daughter of the Prophet (S.A.W) a daughter of Sayyidina Abu Bakar (R.A) etc.
Kunza Hidden treasure.
Kurat-ul-Ain Coolness of eyes.
Kuwaysah Pretty.
Kwairah The prettiest.
Kyda Preserved, Strong.


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